Comic-Con to Wyoming
Photos from our latest quiet adventure in Wyoming.

To keep this year's vacation cheap, we decided to take a road trip to our first Comic-Con (free professional badges ✌️), then up through Yellowstone to spend a few days recharging at a cabin in Wyoming.
We've done the old I-40 drive to California so many times, but we try to keep it interesting. This time, we met some ostriches, wandered down abandoned parts of Route 66, and stumbled into friends at a Santa Fe coffee shop. Comic-Con was ridiculous and exciting, but for brevity we'll just skip ahead to the second half of the trip. (It has more animals.)

Please note in the above photo that WE SAW A GRIZZLY. The giant fluffy guy waddled over to a log, draped himself over it, and fell asleep. Dream fulfilled.

For the last few days of the trip, we stayed in a quiet cabin on a Wyoming farm. It was a beautiful place, perfect for reading and sketching on the porch while storms rolled by. We mostly tried to keep still, with the exception of a little local exploring.
There were animals here, too: deer and pronghorn passing by in the mornings and evenings, and a feisty baby rabbit with its mother who hung around nibbling grass every day.
It's hard to leave that kind of peace, but we brought back as much as we could. We're all just a little more eager for land of our own—Oliver included.