Process Gallery

Note: This post originally appeared on our Patreon.

Last Friday, we took part in our first local event here in northwest Arkansas, for which, thanks to our kind landlord, we got to borrow a whole office downstairs. With all that space, we decided to include a tiny corner gallery featuring sketches and other WIP from our released and current projects.

We'd previously shared some sketchbook photos from Burly Men at Sea in an RPS interview, but since we're no longer living out of our car and can use a scanner, we thought you might enjoy a better look—along with a rare Doggins spread!

Burly Men at Sea

Character design sketches for the troll.
Thumbnail color sketches used to finalize color and visual hierarchy of scenes.
Storyboard page and thumbnails for the chicken animation.


Brainstorming notes while working out the final puzzle.