Burly Men at Sea Books: Update

Note: This post originally appeared on our Patreon.

When we set out to make the Burly Men at Sea books a couple of years ago, we had a tiny budget and grand ideas.

We were disappointed in the quality and price of print-on-demand options, so we reached out to a Nebraska-based print shop that was recommended to us. Without flinching, they listened to our crazy proposal ("Twelve different books in different colors with fancy debossing and printed endpaper, shipped worldwide. Oh, and can you make them on-demand?") and generously offered to meet us halfway: if we ordered the covers up front, they'd do the rest to-order.

This reduced our overhead cost quite a bit, but the tradeoff was that each book was expensive. In fact, we had to sell them essentially at-cost—not exactly a profitable scheme, but we really just wanted them to exist.

And, it turns out, so did others. Since their release, we've shipped books to lovely people in twelve countries, and even Apple got their hands on one.

So we're excited to announce that we finally took the leap to order the remainder of the books in bulk! We're finally able to drop the price and ship more affordably (especially within the U.S.). And we've restocked the books that had sold out—for the last time. If you want one, be sure to claim it!

You can also now order by color, in addition to ordering in true adventurer fashion. Digital editions of the books are also still available here.
