Introducing Brawn&Brawn

When we first moved back to Arkansas after releasing Burly Men at Sea, our plan was to buy a place of our own and work toward making Brain&Brain as self-sustaining as possible.

That…turned out to be more of a process than we expected. Early this year, though, we were finally ready to do it. We started looking for a house—just as everyone else was doing the same in our fast-growing area.

But, skipping over that saga: we did it!

Sneak peek of the closest thing to living in a treehouse.

There’s a lot of work ahead, since we bought the house as-is, but we knew immediately it’s worth working for that view and the location. We’re only a mile from our last rental, and it’s almost unbelievable to have found an affordable place in downtown that also backs up to the trail system we use nearly every day, and with this backyard:

Frequent backyard visitors—at least, until Ollie notices them.

There’s a lot more to say about all of this, and that’s what we’re starting here: Brawn&Brawn is a post series in which we use our muscles to do stuff. Mostly, that stuff will be renovating the house itself, but we’ll also be working on homestead-ish things like rainwater catchment, native landscaping, trail building, and backyard foraging.

You can follow our posts here, or subscribe to get the series by email. NOTE: This is a bonus series, so if you’re already a subscriber, you’ll only get Brawn&Brawn posts by email if you turn them on in your account.

Needless to say, we’re really excited to finally be caretakers of a space of our own, and especially this little piece of Ozark woodland. 🍃